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Keeping Monsanto and Dow out of our food is just not affordable at this point. Trying to provide this for at least our daughter. Pretty hard to justify doing so when there are such discrepancies in comparable product volumes. Have a look at this:


I know what the right choice is for Hazel, but I still feel like a sucker when making that choice.

We are all used to product volumes shrinking instead of the supplier raising the price or raising prices and decreasing volumes. We just shake our heads and dig deeper into the lint. We are used to getting ripped off by normal companies but I dislike it even more when it is coming from a company that supposedly has an interest in the betterment of humanity/earth/food supply. I call BS.

If organic growers and suppliers ever want to take over the marketplace they are going to have to provide a more viable reasons to do so:

  • prices more competitive to non-organic
  • matching volumes of comparable, non-organic products

Until then, prepare to continue to be marginalized and fringe, “Granola” Suits and Marketing Drones.   Hasn’t it been proven that organic doesn’t cost more for the farmer and that is one of the reasons it makes more sense for farmers to switch?  Why is it costing more at the market?