FoCP Website

FoCP Website

Friends of Cain Park Website A volunteer project for a local arts organization.  Hung on a child theme of Divi within WordPress with WooCommerce.  I love Divi because with a few solid photos and a handful of custom graphics, an organization that cannot...
Aril Memorial

Aril Memorial

Aril Memorial Website, Logo, PPT Some so many varied creative processes and skills have gone into this business: product photography, direction of logo creation and refinement, image processing, on-the-fly website design using Divi, Power Point creation for pitch...
CIP Website

CIP Website

CIP Website Website design, overseeing HTML/CSS production, implementing both into the company system as a subcontractor. Back to...
IS Website

IS Website

Insyte Website The team at Insyte was great to work with.  Website design and overseeing HTML/CSS production were my responsibility.  Links to HTML/CSS pages below: Home Inner Blog Post Back to...
PMG Website

PMG Website

PM Website Bold and sharp with high contrast while working quick in order to keep the budget down is a model I am comfortable operating within.  Design, overseeing HTML/CSS production, integration into system. Hosted pages below: Home Product Cat Product Back to...