Aril Memorial

Aril Memorial

Aril Memorial Website, Logo, PPT Some so many varied creative processes and skills have gone into this business: product photography, direction of logo creation and refinement, image processing, on-the-fly website design using Divi, Power Point creation for pitch...
FireflyCall App

FireflyCall App

FireflyCall iPhone App Concept, Logo, Website In 2009 I started an iPhone app development company called StoneGears with a friend from art school and a buddy who could write C# and C++.  We had a dozen great concepts.  The first to launch was FireflyCall...
StoneGears – Logo, Website

StoneGears – Logo, Website

StoneGears – Logo, Site Design and HTML/CSS We really thought we’d hit it big, or at least make a living.  So many cool ideas that never made it to market.  Our other main sources of income required too much and there wasn’t enough...
Trillium Craftworks

Trillium Craftworks

Trillium Craftworks This website was created circa 2004 as an independent contractor.  This was before multiple screen views for webpage mockups and a considerably smaller screen pixel size was relied on for presentation. CSS wasn’t a in practice yet, so the...