FireflyCall App

FireflyCall App

FireflyCall iPhone App Concept, Logo, Website In 2009 I started an iPhone app development company called StoneGears with a friend from art school and a buddy who could write C# and C++.  We had a dozen great concepts.  The first to launch was FireflyCall...
StoneGears – Logo, Website

StoneGears – Logo, Website

StoneGears – Logo, Site Design and HTML/CSS We really thought we’d hit it big, or at least make a living.  So many cool ideas that never made it to market.  Our other main sources of income required too much and there wasn’t enough...
TFL Website

TFL Website

Tech FL Website As a subcontractor for a connection out of Chicago, I was the jockey who transformed these layouts into images, HTML, and CSS. This circumstance required pixel perfection. That wouldn’t be reasonable now because of the need for graceful viewport...
Barcode Website

Barcode Website

Barcode Website Production I had cut previously cut my teeth on editing CSS and HTML nested within the cells of an extensive spreadsheet when I worked at as a Senior Designer of UI.  So attention to detail was in my wheelhouse.  This...
Pet Products Website

Pet Products Website

Pet Products Magento Website Production The Magento project was as a subcontractor to cut up provided image assets and make pixel-perfect HTML/CSS to then implement within the e-commerce platform. Back to...