Phone: 440-324-5777 Fax: 440-324-7355
1885 Lake Avenue, Elyria, OH 44035

Performance, Achievement, Legacy

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There are a number of reasons why using HTML text is so important for content, rather than relying on image based means of communication. Search engine recognition - both over the internet and the site's internal search functionality is a big one.

Some users agents have images turned off - hearing impaired among them. Ease of upgrading and editing content by non graphic design users is also made possible.

Drawbacks. In the current version of HTML and CSS, embedding fonts into the site is not supported. That means that there are only a handful of fonts that can be relied on to deliver your message. The good news is that the upcoming version of HTML will support embedded fonts. Still a few years off for browers to support it though. Until then, we design around it for now. Sample link handling.