by Chris Harvan | Dec 19, 2011 | Crafted by Chris Harvan
Final sanding and finishing is all that remains.
by Chris Harvan | Dec 4, 2011 | Crafted by Chris Harvan
Started roughing out the tentacles on the squid and have the first phase of the walnut “ink”. The walnut is from the tree we took down to build the garage shop.
by Chris Harvan | Dec 3, 2011 | Crafted by Chris Harvan
So, yeah. This walnut wad is a little bigger than my lathe likes, but shooting chips that hit ceiling is always fun. This will be the bottom half of an urn for one of my closest friends. The top half is a squid. This part is intended to become the “ink”...
by Chris Harvan | Dec 1, 2011 | Crafted by Chris Harvan
Just realized that I have no images of this project on this site. Since I am now forwarding to this domain, I will need to get more of these and other furniture projects here and in a proper portfolio.
by Chris Harvan | Nov 24, 2011 | Crafted by Chris Harvan
Opened this guy up. About to hollow him out further. Cannot wait to sculpt the tentacles.