
If the universe has a reason for its existence, it is far too mysterious for me to attempt to define it.  There is one constant I am sure of.  I have been put here to make connections between ideas, history, culture, and the natural world while producing objects of aesthetic value and possible functional use.  Benefiting individual’s daily lives with ease of use, increased functionality, and hopefully uplifting visual and tactile experience is my ultimate goal, joy, and purpose.  Any social, political, or spiritual commentary or benefit garnered along the way is a bonus.

Early in my formal training as a visual artist, I discovered I am a designer/fabricator/sculptor rather than a sci-fi/fantasy illustrator.  After art school, I became a designer and fabricator of websites using Photoshop and Illustrator while coding HTML and CSS by hand.  These skills translate well for providing print graphic design, PowerPoint presentations, and any other visual design need that my adventures have presented.

My entrepreneurial spirit has allowed me to turn relationships with employers into customers.  I have designed wireframes and mockups for hundreds of UI projects, either as a contractor or independent agency.  The advent of viable content management systems such as Magento, Drupal, Silverstripe, and WordPress (my preferred platform) has allowed me to bring great websites to very small to mid-size organizations.

I have simultaneously been developing a project to bring Art, Design, and Craft to Remembrance known as Aril Memorial.  This venture has involved everything I have learned as a web/WordPress developer but also forced me to grow as a small business owner, CAD designer, product designer, production engineer, and woodworker.  My products are in thousands of individuals’ lives, and thousands of individuals’ cremated remains are in my products.  Being there for their grief through the work from my desk, studio, and shop has been the greatest honor a craftsperson could hope for.