Dear terrorists and those with jihad against America;
You can officially now all relax and take a break. There really is no need to blow anything up in America.
Hubris, megalomanic greed, endemic political corruption, corporate personhood, and a public with the wool over its eyes is doing plenty good job of bringing America to its knees.
Only a matter of time until the problems with the other 30,000 rubber stamp approved shut-off valves further exacerbate the mega catastrophe in the Gulf. Throw in a hurricane and volatile chemicals when they start burning the oil off and we have a real winner on our hands.
Meanwhile, “Drill, baby.” Corporations and the market did a GREAT job keeping the 11 dead workers safe. The market is sure to do just a good a job at dealing with the cataclysmic affects that are going to ripple through the environment, economy, and healthcare system.
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